Developing jute-stick ash as an export product
Jute has been a driving force for Bangladesh's economy for several decades. Despite a decline in the global demand for it around the late 2000s, jute is still one of the main crops in rural Bangladesh. Approximately 30 million people are directly and indirectly involved with the cultivation, processing, transportation...
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Role of occupational therapy in disaster management
Every year Bangladesh faces natural disasters like drought, flood, water-logging, cyclone, tidal surge, tornado, thunder storm and so on. Occupational therapists can play an important role in the rehabilitation of people affected by disasters, especially people with disabilities. An occupational therapist can strengthen the resilience and build capacity so that...
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Chicken and egg both can now come together
No more the effect would follow the cause. What was stashed away in the nook and fold of quantum physics, finally seems to have found light of the millenia. Thanks to this discipline, a latest finding broke the age-old chicken and the egg conundrum.In an email interaction, lead scientist of...
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