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Premier Li's speech reflects the wisdom of good governance in China

DILIP BARUA | June 13, 2020 00:00:00

Covid-19 has shocked the world by the speed of its spread, but it is also bringing about another global change in the balance of power in politics of the world. After the Covid-19, the power politics of the world may be re-polarised and a new dimension of cold war emerge. The United States of America (USA) due already devastated by pandemic will continuously get involved in optimum malicious propaganda against China in all respects. The rhetoric of the new cold war with China might supercharge the illusionary feelings that America is on a moral mission to beat its Chinese enemies in a rerun of the original cold war with the Soviet Union.

In the above perspective Chinese Premier Mr. Li Keqiang had delivered a speech at the third session of the 13th NPC on May 22. He had correctly focused on maintaining the fundamentals of the economic stability and growth of China. In the post-corona period in China and other parts of the world it will be very important to gear up the new economic momentum. In Mr Li's speech, the pragmatic vision to maintain the speed of the economic wheels was reflected rightly. Chinese government also was determined to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects as early as possible. Moreover, Premier Li wants to ensure achieving the development goals for winning the battle against poverty and maintaining comprehensive and vigorous employment stabilisation. He had also given a pragmatic, farsighted and long term perspective and an objective outline for maintaining sustainable development in the of existing world economic and trade environment.

The Chinese government which is doing Socialist politics and intellectually developed has a vast experience in Randling the state apparatus and has proved its efficiency to manage the Covid-19 pandemic in an effective manner. In the report Premier Li had correctly pointed out that under the leadership of Comrade Xi Jinping, the central leading group for tackling Covid-19 which first emerged in Wuhan had made timely decisions and plans to minimize the losses resulting from the virus. Under the party leadership the Chinese government had formulated the effective guidance and supervision to wage an all-out people's war on the virus. When it came to carrying out the decisions, all sections of the party and the government were committed to discharging their responsibilities at the maximum level in a coordinated manner.

Thus the Chinese government had achieved a decisive victory in the battle to defend Hubei Province and its capital city Wuhan by firmly implementing strict control measures, relying on the support of the entire nation. Considering the fact that human life is invaluable, the authority had drawn up a policy for maximizing the cure and minimizing the mortality rate. The state-led model in China has worked as the administration is modern and effective in view of the contemporary world while the existing health sector in the western countries including the USA has exposed their bankruptcy in public health management.

The Covid-19 outbreak has brought about unprecedented changes in China's social and economic development. Now the Chinese people are devoted to advancing economic activities to minimize the negative growth in the first quarter of the year. The Chinese government has taken a series of stimulus packages to gear up the economic momentum.

For continuing the development and sustainable growth the Chinese government has pragmatically taken a decision to minimise different kinds of taxes and extended time for repayment of taxes until the end of this year. Moreover, the government has taken very liberal steps regarding loan and loans repayment by micro, small, medium and big businesses.

With the changing external environment after the Covid-19, China is committed to opening its door to the world to keep the Chinese industrial production and supply chain stable. China will advance a new round of trial for innovative development in the areas of trade and services to make the third international import expo. Its preparation is going on aiming to expand import and foster a large globally-oriented market of higher standard.

China will firmly safeguard the multilateral trading regime and actively participate in reform of the WTO. The Chinese government will work for the signing of the regional comprehensive economic partnership and advance free trade negotiation with Japan and the Republic of Korea as well as other countries. China will also work with the United States to implement the Phase 1 China-US economic trade agreement.

In the critical transitional period of the world China is very much firm to play an active role in the development and reform of the global governance system, and promoting the building of a human community with a shared future. China has successfully pursued economic diplomacy, culture and people-to-people exchanges. The Chinese government makes an important contribution to the advancement of world peace.

The western press has propagated that in the Chinese Premier's report he did not mention the GDP growth. But I have a firm conviction that the Chinese government will implement everything mentioned in Mr Li's report. The people of the world will observe that at the end of year the GDP growth will be remarkable. With the pandemic over, China will get back its potential and march forward for building a modern, prosperous and developed country in the world. The people of the world will see how effective a state-led model is that is superior to the western market-based model.

Dilip Baru is General Secretary of CPB (M-L) and Former Minister, Ministry of Industries.

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