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Search date: 01-07-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Syrian rebels lose string of southwest towns

AMMAN, June 30 (Agencies): A string of Syrian rebel-held towns and villages accepted government rule on Saturday. Insurgent lines collapsed in parts of the southwest under an intense bombardment that the United Nations says has forced 160,000 people to flee.The southwest was an early hotbed of the uprising against President...

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Ghani orders troops to resume operations against Taliban

KABUL, June 30 (Reuters): Afghan President Ashraf Ghani declared a formal end to his government's ceasefire with the Taliban on Saturday but called on the insurgents to agree to full peace talks following a three-day truce during this month's Eid holiday."It is now the Taliban's decision, whether they want to...

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Israeli forces shoot dead two Palestinians

GAZA, June 30 (Reuters): Israeli forces shot and killed two Palestinians, one of them a 14-year-old boy, and wounded 415 others with live fire and tear gas during protests along the Gaza border on Friday. Gaza medical officials said the boy, Yasser Abu Al-Naja and Mohammad Al-Hamayda, 24, were hit...

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