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Search date: 01-10-2018 Return to current date: Click here

India, Pakistan clash in UN over support for terrorists

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 30 (AP): India's foreign minister accused neighboring Pakistan of harboring terrorists in an angry speech on Saturday before the UN General Assembly and rejected the notion that India is sabotaging peace talks with Pakistan, calling it "a complete lie." Hours later, Pakistan shot back in its own...

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Iraqi Kurds hold election after failed independence bid

ERBIL, Sept 30 (Reuters): Kurds voted in a parliamentary election in their semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq on Sunday, with political dynasties expected to extend their power sharing rule despite growing discontent with perceived corruption and economic hardship.The vote comes a year after the region of six million, which gained...

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May calls on her party to unite for EU exit

BIRMINGHAM, Sept 30 (Reuters): British Prime Minister (PM) Theresa May called on her party on Sunday to unite behind her plan to leave the European Union (EU), making a direct appeal to critics by saying their desire for a free trade deal was at the heart of her own Brexit...

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Qatar, KSA, UAE exchange words on blockade

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 30 (Al Jazeera): The Gulf crisis has led to exchange of words at the United Nations General Assembly between Qatar and the countries imposing the blockade on the gas-rich nation.Qatar refuted allegations by Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) of supporting "terrorism" on Saturday as...

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US accuses China of 'bullying' with 'propaganda ads'

BEIJING, Sept 30 (Reuters): A week after an official Chinese newspaper ran a four-page ad in a US daily touting the mutual benefits of US-China trade, the US ambassador to China accused Beijing of using the American press to spread propaganda.The US President last Wednesday referred to the China Daily's...

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Macedonia's PM Zoran Zaev, his wife Zorica and his son Dushko casting their ballot

Macedonia's PM Zoran Zaev, his wife Zorica and his son Dushko casting their ballot for the referendum in Macedonia on changing the country's name that would open the way for it to join NATO and the European Union in Strumica, Macedonia on Sunday — Reuters

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News in Brief- (30-09-2018)

22 die from drinking tainted alcohol in IranTEHRAN, Sept 30: At least 22 people have died in Iran in three separate incidents of poisoning by adulterated bootleg alcohol, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported on Saturday. Despite tough penalties in force for alcohol consumption since the Islamic revolution of 1979,...

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