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Search date: 05-11-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Democrats face tight race for Senate

NEW YORK, Nov 04 (BBC): As well as the White House, Democrats and Republicans are locked in a tight race for control of the US Senate.Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in the upper chamber of Congress, meaning the Democrats are seeking a net gain of four seats.Five seats, including some...

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Brazil's Covid toll nears 160,500

RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov 04 (Xinhua): Brazil's Ministry of Health on Tuesday reported 11,843 new COVID-19 cases and 243 more deaths, raising the total caseload to 5,566,049 and the death toll to 160,496.The southeast state of Sao Paulo, the most populous state in the country, is most affected by the...

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Libyan Jt Military Commission agrees on truce terms

TRIPOLI, Nov 04 (Xinhua): Stephanie Williams, acting special representative of the UN Secretary General to Libya, said Tuesday that the Libyan Joint Military Commission has agreed on terms for the cease-fire implementation in the country.A military subcommittee will be set up to supervise the return of forces back to their...

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Pet parrot saves Australian man from house fire

SYDNEY, Nov 04 (BBC): An Australian man says he was able to survive a late-night house fire after his pet parrot roused him from bed.Anton Nguyen had been fast asleep when his two-storey house caught alight in Brisbane, Queensland, on Wednesday."I heard a bang and Eric - my parrot -...

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Quake toll hits 116 in Turkey

ANKARA, Nov 04 (AP): The death toll in last week's Aegean Sea earthquake rose to 116 on Wednesday as rescuers in the Turkish city of Izmir finished searching buildings that collapsed in the quake.All but two of the victims were killed in Izmir, Turkey's third-largest city. Two teenagers died on...

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US formally exits Paris climate pact

BERLIN, Nov 04 (AP): The United States on Wednesday formally left the Paris Agreement, a global pact forged five years ago to avert the threat of catastrophic climate change.The move, long threatened by U.S. President Donald Trump and triggered by his administration a year ago, further isolates the United States...

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