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Search date: 22-01-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Filipino Muslims vote on autonomy to end unrest

MANILA, Jan 21 (AP): Muslims in the southern Philippines voted on Monday in a referendum on a new autonomous region that seeks to end nearly half a century of unrest, in what their leaders are touting as the best alternative to a new wave of Islamic State group-inspired militants.The vote...

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China birth rate falls to lowest ever in 70 yrs

BEIJING, Jan 21 (Reuters): China's birth rate last year fell to its lowest since the founding of the People's Republic of China 70 years ago, official data showed on Monday, as looser population controls fail to encourage couples to have more babies.The birth rate stood at 10.94 per thousand, the...

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Signs of breakthrough as May set to unveil New Brexit plan

LONDON, Jan 21 (Agencies): Prime Minister Theresa May is set to unveil her new plan to break Britain's Brexit deadlock - and it's expected to look a lot like the old plan decisively rejected by Parliament last week.May was set to brief the House of Commons on Monday on how...

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Trump pursued Moscow tower throughout '16, says Giuliani

NEW YORK, Jan 21 (Reuters): US President Donald Trump pursued a business deal to erect a tower bearing his name in Moscow throughout 2016, his attorney said on Sunday, raising new questions for congressional investigators looking into possible ties between the president and Russia.Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said he may...

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NATO, Russia to hold talks amid treaty crisis

BRUSSELS, Jan 21 (AFP): NATO and Russian officials will hold talks this week, the alliance said on Monday, with the future of a key Cold War era arms treaty hanging by a thread.Diplomats said the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty will be on the agenda for Friday's meeting of the...

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News in Brief -(22-1-2019)

Israeli jets hit Iranianmilitary sites in Syria JERUSALEM, Jan 21: Israeli jets struck a series of Iranian military targets in Syria early on Monday, the military said in a rare departure from its years-long policy of ambiguity regarding activities in neighboring war-torn Syria. The military said the targets included munition...

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