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Search date: 24-04-2019 Return to current date: Click here

US sanctions over Iran to intensify Mideast turmoil

BEIJING, Apr 23 (AFP): China warned on Tuesday that the US decision to impose sanctions on buyers of Iranian oil will "intensify turmoil" in the Middle East and in the international energy market.The White House announced Monday it was calling an end to six-month waivers that had exempted several countries-including...

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Modi votes in polls, calls for national security

NEW DELHI, Apr 23 (Reuters): Millions of Indians are voting in the third and largest phase of a staggered general election on Tuesday, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi who cast his ballot in his home state of Gujarat and again underlined the need to combat "terrorism".In all, 188 million Indians...

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50 die in Myanmar jade mine collapse

NAYPYITAW, Apr 23 (Reuters): More than 50 people were feared to have been killed in Myanmar when jade miners and machinery were buried under a mound of tailings late on Monday, a member of parliament and a rescue worker said.Three bodies had been pulled from the debris, Tin Soe, a...

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Pro-EU party launches election campaign

LONDON, April 23, 2019 (AFP) - A new anti-Brexit political party launched its campaign Tuesday for next month's European elections as British lawmakers return from their Easter break as fresh bids to topple Prime Minister Theresa May mount.The government and the main opposition Labour Party are also set to resume...

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Innovative child malaria vaccine to be tested in Malawi

A large-scale trial of what has been called the world's first malaria vaccine to give partial protection to children is due to start in Malawi, reports BBC.The RTS,S vaccine trains the immune system to attack the malaria parasite, which is spread by mosquito bites.Earlier, smaller trials showed that nearly 40...

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US President says Congress 'can't impeach' him

WASHINGTON, Apr 23 (AFP): US President Donald Trump said Monday that Congress "can't impeach" him over the findings of the Mueller report into Russian election meddling and his alleged attempts to hamper the investigation.Defiantly insisting that he did nothing wrong, Trump also denied a portrait of dysfunction in the White...

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Ex-French PM to face trial over fake jobs

PARIS, Apr 23: Former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, whose 2017 bid for the presidency was torpedoed by a fake job scandal involving his wife, will face trial over the allegations, a judicial source told the news agency on Tuesday.Investigating judges have recommended a trial for Fillon and his British...

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News in Brief -(24-04-2019)

N Korean leader to visit Russia soon for talks with PutinPYONGYANG, Apr 23: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will soon visit Russia to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Tuesday. KCNA said that talks "between Mr Kim Jong Un and the...

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