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Search date: 30-09-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Abdullah urges new era in ties with Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Sept 29 (AP): The chief of Afghanistan's peace negotiating team said Tuesday on a visit to Pakistan that the time has come for the two neighboring countries to shun the suspicion, "stale rhetoric" and tired conspiracy theories that have dogged past relations.Abdullah Abdullah is in Pakistan on a bridge-building...

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Global leaders pledge to reverse biodiversity loss

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 29 (Xinhua): World leaders on Monday pledged to take urgent action over the next 10 years to put nature and biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030, reports Xinhua.They made the pledge ahead of the Biodiversity Summit in New York on Wednesday.By Monday, the heads of...

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700,000 Syrian children risk hunger

BEIRUT, Sept 29 (AP): An additional 700,000 children in Syria face hunger because of the country's badly damaged economy and the impact of coronavirus restrictions, an international aid group warned Tuesday.Save the Children said the new figures mean that in the last six months, the total number of food-insecure children...

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Khashoggi's dream comes to life two years after his killing

NEW YORK, Sept 29 (New York Times): In the months before he was killed by Saudi agents in 2018, Saudi dissident writer Jamal Khashoggi was pursuing a dream to found an organisation in Washington to promote democracy in the Arab world.On Tuesday, two years after his death, Khashoggi's friends and...

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Fierce fighting in disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region

Sept 29 (BBC): Fierce fighting raged for a second day following a flare-up of a decades-old conflict in the Caucasus region of south-eastern Europe.Dozens of deaths were reported in battles between forces fighting for Armenia and Azerbaijan on Monday.At the heart of the conflict is a dispute over control of...

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Slain man tried to defect to N Korea: Seoul

SEOUL, Sept 29 (AP): South Korea said Tuesday that a government official slain by North Korean sailors wanted to defect, concluding that the man, who had gambling debts, swam against unfavorable currents with the help of a life jacket and a floatation device and conveyed his intention of resettling in...

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Amnesty halts work in India amid 'reprisal' from govt

NEW DELHI, Sept 29 (bdnews24.com): Amnesty International has halted its operations in India, alleging that its accounts were frozen earlier this month as part of a crackdown by the government and it had to let go of most of its staff.The Indian government says the global rights watchdog never registered...

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Egypt confirms 115 virus cases, 102,955 in total

CAIRO, Sept 29 (Xinhua): Egypt registered on Monday 115 new COVID-19 cases, raising the total infections in the country to 102,955, said the Egyptian health ministry.In a statement, the ministry's spokesman Khaled Megahed said 18 patients died from the novel coronavirus in the past 24 hours, bringing the death toll...

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Pompeo supports talks between Greece, Turkey

ATHENS, Sept 29 (AP): U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo expressed support Tuesday for talks between Greece and Turkey, NATO allies whose relations have deteriorated sharply to the point where both had warships facing off in the Mediterranean.Speaking from the Souda Bay military base on the island of Crete, on...

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Duterte questions letting Facebook stay after accounts shut

MANILA, Sept 29 (AP): President Rodrigo Duterte questioned why he should allow Facebook to continue operating in the Philippines after the social media giant removed accounts he said was backed his government's interests, including fighting insurgents.Facebook said last week it had removed a Philippine network of fake accounts whose operators...

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