Cardiovascular diseases kill about 10,000 Europeans a day

FE Team | Published: May 15, 2024 21:45:51

Cardiovascular diseases kill about 10,000 Europeans a day

COPENHAGEN, May 15 (AFP): Cardiovascular disease is responsible for 40 percent of deaths in Europe, the WHO said on Wednesday, urging Europeans to cut their salt intake.
That amounts to 10,000 deaths a day, or four million a year, "Implementing targeted policies to reduce salt intake by 25 percent could save an estimated 900,000 lives from cardiovascular diseases by 2030," Hans Kluge, the director of the Europe branch of the World Health Organization said in a statement.
In Europe, one in three adults between the ages of 30 and 79 suffer from hypertension, often due to salt consumption.
Fifty-one of the 53 countries in the WHO's European region have an average daily salt intake above the WHO's recommended maximum of five grams, or one teaspoon, largely due to processed foods and snacks.

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