Doctor finds four live bees inside woman's eye

FE Team | Published: April 11, 2019 00:25:06

Doctor finds four live bees inside woman's eye

TAIPEI, Apr 10 (BBC): A Taiwanese woman was found by doctors to have four small sweat bees living inside her eye, the first such incident on the island.
The 28-year-old woman, identified only as Ms He, was pulling out weeds when the insects flew into her eyes.
Dr Hong Chi Ting of the Fooyin University Hospital told the BBC he was "shocked" when he pulled the 4mm insects out by their legs.
Ms He has now been discharged and is expected to make a full recovery.
Sweat bees, also known as Halictidae, are attracted to sweat and sometimes land on people to imbibe perspiration. They also drink tears for their high protein content, according to a study by the Kansas Entomological Society.
Ms He was weeding around her relatives' graves when the insects flew into her left eye.

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