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Drug dealer gets unwanted surprise for Christmas

December 25, 2017 00:00:00

COPENHAGEN, Dec 24 (BBC): An alleged drug dealer in Copenhagen received an unwanted surprise for Christmas when he jumped into the back of a taxi with about 1,000 joints on him, only to find it was a police car.

Danish police said the man was rushing home when he made the grave error. The mistake occurred in Christiana, a semi-autonomous district of the capital founded by hippies in the 1970s and known as a centre for the drug trade.

Police said the man could face a custodial sentence.

The full statement from the force earlier in the week read: "Last night a cannabis dealer from Christiania who wanted to get home quickly got into a taxi. He received a big surprise when he realised it was actually a police car he was sitting in.

"The police officers were happy to see him, since he was carrying around 1,000 joints."

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