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Health experts call on Morrison to take urgent climate action

November 17, 2020 00:00:00

CANBERRA, Nov 16 (Xinhua): A coalition of health groups have written an open letter to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison calling for urgent action on climate change.

The letter from 29 groups including the Climate and Health Alliance (CHA), the Australian Epidemiological Association (AEA) and the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) warned that climate change is accelerating and posing an "existential threat to humanity."

"To avoid further health and environmental disasters, governments must take heed of the science, listen to health experts and act now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the natural environment," it said.

Chief Executive of the PHAA Terry Slevin said while COVID-19 has received much attention in 2020, climate change is a greater threat to humanity.

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