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Search date: 17-11-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Israel promotes settlement plan for E Jerusalem area

JERUSALEM, Nov 16 (Reuters): Israel moved ahead on Sunday with a settler housing plan in a sensitive area near East Jerusalem, a step critics said was aimed at shoring up the project before US President-elect Joe Biden takes office.On its website, the Israel Land Authority (ILA) invited contractor bids for...

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Kim orders tightening of virus measures

PYONGYONG, Nov 16 (Reuters): North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered a tightening of state emergency anti-coronavirus systems in the face of the worldwide pandemic, as he presided over a meeting of the politburo of the ruling Workers Party, state news agency KCNA said on Monday.The meeting came amid economic...

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Ethiopia refugees flee to Sudan

DAMASCUS, Nov 16 (Reuters): The number of people who have fled into Sudan from the conflict in northern Ethiopia has risen to at least 20,000, the UN refugee agency and local officials said on Sunday.More than 12,500 crossed at Hamdayat and nearly 7,500 to the south at al-Luqdi from Nov....

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Peru crisis takes chaotic turn

LIMA, Nov 16 (AP): Who is the president of Peru? That answer to that question early Monday was no one.The Latin American nation's political turmoil took a chaotic turn Sunday when interim leader Manuel Merino quit and Congress couldn't decide on his replacement. That left Peru rudderless and in crisis...

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Belarus police arrest about 150 protesters

MINSK, Nov 16 (Reuters): Police in Belarus arrested at least 146 people who took to the streets on Sunday chanting "I'm going out", the last known written words of an anti-government protester who died last week, a prominent human rights group said.A witness in the capital Minsk said police arrested...

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Michigan, Washington clamp down as US virus toll surge

NEW YORK, Nov 16 (BBC): Michigan and Washington are the latest US states to bring in strict measures to try and curb the spread of Covid-19.High schools and colleges are to halt on-site teaching and restaurants are prohibited from offering indoor dining in Michigan from Wednesday.Indoor restaurant dining is also...

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Seven die as vehicle falls into rivulet in India

NEW DELHI, Nov 16 (UNB): At least seven people were killed when a vehicle carrying a group of labourers veered off the road and rolled down into a rivulet in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh on Monday morning, police said.The accident occurred at Pulghrat in Mandi district, some...

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HK apartment building fire leaves 7 dead

HONG KONG, Nov 16 (AP): Hong Kong authorities said a fire at an apartment building in a crowded residential district has killed at least seven people and injured another 11.The blaze occurred Sunday night in Yau Ma Tei, a usually bustling area in Kowloon packed with old apartment blocks, shops...

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Health experts call on Morrison to take urgent climate action

CANBERRA, Nov 16 (Xinhua): A coalition of health groups have written an open letter to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison calling for urgent action on climate change.The letter from 29 groups including the Climate and Health Alliance (CHA), the Australian Epidemiological Association (AEA) and the Public Health Association of Australia...

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