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HK apartment building fire leaves 7 dead

November 17, 2020 00:00:00

HONG KONG, Nov 16 (AP): Hong Kong authorities said a fire at an apartment building in a crowded residential district has killed at least seven people and injured another 11.

The blaze occurred Sunday night in Yau Ma Tei, a usually bustling area in Kowloon packed with old apartment blocks, shops and businesses.

The fire broke out in what appeared to be a restaurant that was located in an apartment in a residential building, fire officials said at a news conference early Monday. Officials said the cause of the fire was still unknown.

The building lacked a sprinkler system and people were trapped in the back of the kitchen, according to fire services department officer Cheung Kwong-yuen.

Local media reports said that people in the restaurant were celebrating Diwali, a Hindu festival, as well as a birthday when the blaze occurred. Lit candles had set soundproofing materials on fire, according to the media reports.

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