Heatwave adds to woes of migrants in Bosnia

FE Team | Published: July 07, 2019 21:40:26

Heatwave adds to woes of migrants in Bosnia

BIHAC, July 07 (AFP): Stranded in Bosnia, thousands of migrants face yet one more hurdle on their journey towards the European Union: the scorching summer heat in the Balkans.
Under a leaden sky, Saleh Alhasan and his friends hurry to reach the shade of the woods after failing yet again to cross the border to Croatia, the last barrier on the long and tortuous road into the European Union.
"I tried more than 15 times… It has been 10 months that I try to pass. And I do not want to give up. I just want to see my son" born in Sweden, says the 33-year old Syrian architect.
"I only saw him in a photo."
His wife was among hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees who took the so-called Balkans route in 2015, before the EU borders closed for them.

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