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Imran, party erased from polls campaign

January 28, 2024 00:00:00

MIANWALI, Jan 27 (AFP): Pakistani cricketing legend turned world leader Imran Khan is wildly popular in his constituency and ancestral homeland of Mianwali, but the political posters that line the streets do not bear his face and flags do not fly his colours.

A relentless crackdown widely attributed to Pakistan's powerful military has seen him and his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party almost erased from the election campaign ahead of the vote.

"Our party workers are facing harassment, and I personally have received death threats," says 61-year-old Jamal Ahsan Khan, who is standing for PTI in Mianwali in place of his leader.

"Throughout my life, I have never witnessed an election as intense and threatening as this one."

Khan, currently in jail facing dozens of legal challenges, is barred from contesting elections on February 8 because of a graft conviction-cases he claims are politically motivated.

Across the country, PTI has been obstructed from holding rallies and the heavily censored media is restricted in its coverage of the opposition, pushing the party's campaign almost entirely online.

Dozens of candidates nationwide have also had their nomination papers rejected by the electoral commission.

Like many other party candidates, loyalist Ahsan Khan has been in near hiding in the build-up to the election, unable to hold meetings or distribute leaflets.

"It feels disheartening that as a candidate of Pakistan's leading political party, I am unable to conduct my campaign in a meaningful way," he told AFP.

With two weeks until the vote, there is none of the fervour and excitement that usually marks an election in the country of more than 240 million people.

It was from Mianwali, a largely rural district in the central province of Punjab, that Khan built his political career and was elected three times as MP.

PTI's national victory in 2018, driven by its promises to put an end to corruption and the family dynasties which have ruled the country for generations, propelled him to prime minister.

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