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Macron in New Caledonia for talks

May 24, 2024 00:00:00

NEW CALEDONIA, May 23 (Reuters): President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday police reinforcements in New Caledonia would remain as long as required, after arriving in the French-ruled Pacific island trying to end deadly riots triggered by a contested electoral reform.

Six people have been killed in riots that have left a trail of looted shops and torched cars and businesses since they began more than a week ago.

"In the coming hours and days, massive new operations will be scheduled where necessary, and republican order in its entirety will be re-established because there is no other choice," Macron said during a meeting with political and business leaders of the island.

With the island under a state of emergency, Macron said the additional security totalling 3,000 personnel would remain, even during the Paris Olympics if required.

"I personally believe that the state of emergency should not be extended," he said, adding it would be lifted only when protesters remove the roadblocks.

Protesters fear the electoral reform, already passed by lawmakers in mainland France some 16,000 km (10,000 miles) away, will dilute the votes of indigenous Kanaks, who make up 40% of the island's population of 270,000 people, and make it harder for any future referendum on independence to pass.

As it is a constitutional reform, it requires a meeting of both houses of parliament for it to be ratified and Macron has yet to announce a date for that.

Indigenous Kanak political leaders joined the meeting with Macron, including the president of New Caledonia's government, Louis Mapou, and the president of its Congress, Roch Wamytan, who was a signatory to a 1998 Noumea Accord that ended a decade of violence by outlining a path to gradual autonomy.

The expiry of the accord in 2021 and a Kanak boycott of an independence referendum held during the COVID-19 pandemic has since created a political impasse.

Wamytan leads the Caledonian Union, the largest party within the pro-independence Front de Liberation Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) bloc.

Before the meeting, FLNKS issued a statement saying it expected Macron to make a strong announcement that could "breathe new life" into dialogue between the accord partners.

Macron said the aim of the meeting, which also includes French loyalists, was to get all parties back around the table.

"Calming down cannot mean turning back the clock. Calming down cannot mean disregarding the popular expression that has already taken place," he said.

Macron told reporters earlier on Thursday a return to peace and security would be the top priorities of his trip, and he would tackle New Caledonia's most sensitive political issues.

Aides say Macron has no preconceived plan and will talk with all parties about reconstruction in the wake of the riots, as well as about politics, but is unlikely to rush into any major decision.

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