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Pet parrot saves Australian man from house fire

November 05, 2020 00:00:00

SYDNEY, Nov 04 (BBC): An Australian man says he was able to survive a late-night house fire after his pet parrot roused him from bed.

Anton Nguyen had been fast asleep when his two-storey house caught alight in Brisbane, Queensland, on Wednesday.

"I heard a bang and Eric - my parrot - he started to yell so I woke up and I smelled a bit of smoke," he told ABC.

"I grabbed Eric, opened the door and looked to the back of the house and saw some flames... and so I took off and bolted downstairs."

By the time firefighters arrived at about 01:00 local time (14:00 GMT Tuesday), the house was engulfed in flames.

It took four crews over an hour to contain the blaze in the suburb of Kangaroo Point.

The green parrot had repeatedly squawked "Anton" to raise the alarm, said Queensland Fire and Emergency Services inspector Cameron Thomas.

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