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Republicans nominate Trump again

August 26, 2020 00:00:00

WASHINGTON, Aug 25 (Xinhua): Republicans formally nominated President Donald Trump as the party's presidential candidate at the 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC) in Charlotte, North Carolina on Monday, reports Xinhua.

Trump arrived at the Charlotte Convention Center in the afternoon.

Over 300 delegates met in person for a roll call vote to formally nominate him and Vice President Mike Pence.

"I felt an obligation to come to North Carolina," Trump told the delegates inside a ballroom during the unannounced trip. "It's a place that has been very good to me."

In rally-style remarks, the president touted achievements of his first term, focused on his administration's response to the pandemic, again attacked mail-in voting, and lashed out at Democrats who held their national convention virtually last week and some media outlets' coverage of the RNC.

He also touched upon a series of policy priorities for the next four years if he is re-elected.

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