Russians’ trust in Putin falls to all-time low

FE Team | Published: January 24, 2019 00:35:37

Russians’ trust in Putin falls to all-time low

MOSCOW, Jan 23 (Al Jazeera): Russia's trust in its President Vladimir Putin has fallen to its lowest level since 2006, falling more than 33 per cent, according to a recent poll conducted by the Russian-state Public Opinion Research Center.
Confidence in Putin's government fell 33.4 per cent last week amid sluggish economic growth, a decline in disposable income, and a deeply unpopular rise in the retirement age.
The trust level was at 71 per cent in July 2015 after Russia's annexed Ukraine's Crimea.
Another survey by the Moscow-based independent pollster the Levada Center in December 2018 showed that 53 per cent of respondents disapprove of the Russian government.

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