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WHO launches strategy to fight flu pandemics

March 12, 2019 00:00:00

GENEVA, Mar 11 (AFP): The World Health Organisation (WHO) on Monday launched a strategy to protect people worldwide over the next decade against the threat of influenza, warning that new pandemics are "inevitable".

Influenza epidemics, largely seasonal, affect around one billion people and kill hundreds of thousands annually, according to WHO, which describes it as one of the world's greatest public health challenges.

WHO's new strategy, for 2019 through 2030, aims to prevent seasonal influenza, control the virus's spread from animals to humans and prepare for the next pandemic, WHO said.

"The threat of pandemic influenza is ever-present," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement.

The world has suffered through a number of devastating influenzas pandemics, including the Spanish Flu, which in 1918 killed tens of millions of people globally.

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