News Watch- (06-12-2018)
December 06, 2018 00:00:00
Govt to sign deal on city’s underground power network
The government is set to sign a consultancy service contract with Australia-based company Energytron for feasibility study on replacement of existing overhead lines with underground distribution network of DPDC. Energytron Australia will conduct the feasibility study to replace the existing overhead lines with underground distribution network of Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC). — BSS
Deals today for $525m WB fund to improve rural road system
The World Bank (WB) will provide a total of $525 million to Bangladesh under two agreements, to be signed in the capital today (Thursday), to improve the country's rural road transport system. Out of the total financing, the Washington-based lending agency will provide $425 million for "Operation for Supporting Rural Bridges (SupRB)" and $100 million for "Second Rural Transport Improvement Project". — BSS