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Search date: 06-12-2018 Return to current date: Click here

US gives Russia deadline on nuclear treaty

NEW YORK, Dec 05 (Agencies): Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Tuesday that the Trump administration would begin the formal process to scrap the landmark Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty within 60 days unless Russia returns to compliance with the treaty's terms."The burden falls on Russia to make the necessary changes,"...

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Prosecutors recommend no jail term for Flynn

WASHINGTON, Dec 05 (Agencies): President Donald Trump's former national security adviser provided so much information to the special counsel's Russia investigation that prosecutors say he shouldn't do any prison time, according to a court filing that describes Michael Flynn's cooperation as "substantial."The filing by special counsel Robert Mueller provides the...

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Mourners pay tribute to Bush

NEW YORK, Dec 05 (New York Times): One by one they came. Parents hoisting toddlers on their hips. Two women from St. Louis, in town for a neonatology conference.A doctor from Washington whose grandmother had worked in housekeeping in the White House complex. Military generals and diplomats, CIA chiefs and...

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India launches 'heaviest' satellite

NEW DELHI, Dec 05 (BBC): India's heaviest satellite has gone into orbit on a French rocket to help boost broadband internet services.Weighing about 5,854kg (12,906lb), the GSAT-11 is India's "most-advanced" multi-band communication satellite.The Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) launched the satellite from the Kourou spaceport in French Guiana early on...

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15 immigrants drown off Libyan coast

TRIPOLI, Dec 05 (Xinhua): The Libyan Red Crescent said on Tuesday that 15 illegal immigrants drowned when their boat capsized off the city of Misurata, some 250 km east of the capital Tripoli."A rubber boat capsized off Misurata coast carrying 25 illegal immigrants. 15 migrants drowned, while 10 others survived...

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Insurgents kill four in attack on Afghan checkpoint

KABUL, Dec 05 (AP): Taliban targeted a police checkpoint in the western Herat province, setting off a battle in which a policeman and three civilians were killed, according to a provincial official in Herat.Police spokesman Abdul Ahad Walizada said six of the attackers were also killed in the battle late...

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Researchers develop quick, easy test to detect cancer

SYDNEY, Dec 05 (Xinhua): Australian researchers said on Wednesday they have developed a quick and easy test to detect cancer from blood or biopsy tissue, pointing to new approaches to patient diagnoses through simple devices like mobile phones.The University of Queensland team "discovered a unique DNA nanostructure that appears to...

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SpaceX launches 64 satellites at once

WASHINGTON, Dec 05 (AFP): SpaceX launched its Falcon 9 rocket on Monday, sending an unusual payload into space - 64 satellites at the same time, a US record.And the company headed by US tech billionaire Elon Musk marked another milestone in its bid to make rockets more re-usable, like airplanes:...

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News in Brief (6-12-2018)

France bracing for more protestsdespite retreat on taxesPARIS, Dec 05: The concessions made by France's prime minister in a bid to stop the huge and violent anti-government demonstrations that have been rocking France over the past three weeks, seem to have so far failed to convince protesters, with trade unions...

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