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Search date: 06-12-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Making VAT ADR effective at Supreme Court level

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is globally regarded as an easier and more accessible mode of resolving disputes over the traditional, more complicated and expensive regime of litigation in courts. In the legal system of Bangladesh too, in line with the global practices and trends, there are mechanisms for ADR. The...

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Call for a win-win framework at COP24

An African delegation is in the Polish city of Katowice to join 30,000 delegates and thousands others from almost 200 countries attending the 4th edition of what has come to be known as annual climate change negotiation conferences organised under the auspices of the United Nations.The two-week conference takes place...

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Economic growth lopsided

It seems Bangladesh is doing quite good in economic development, but statistics also inducate it is doing enough. With a growth rate of slightly at higher than 7.0 per cent per annum, this economy is doing better than many, but there are economies which are growing at rate higher than...

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