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Rowshan for checking price spiral during Ramadan

May 01, 2019 00:00:00

Deputy Leader of the Opposition Begum Rowshan Ershad on Tuesday called upon the government to check further price hike of the essentials during the upcoming holy month of Ramadan, reports BSS.

She made the call at the end of the second session of the 11th parliament in the evening.

Rowshan stressed the need for safe and quality food in the street shops during the Ramadan to save public health as the most of the street shops served unhygienic food items during the month.

The opposition deputy leader expressed dissatisfaction over the quality of water supplied by the Dhaka WASA, saying that the WASA water is highly contaminated and totally undrinkable for the city dwellers.

About the unplanned urbanisation, she said the country incurred huge loss of life and assets due to devastating fire held in the city's different areas in the last couple of months which was mainly caused by unplanned urbanisation.

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