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Search date: 01-05-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Deepening Bangladesh-Brunei economic ties

At the invitation of Brunei's Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina along with eight of her cabinet ministers and a delegation of business leaders, officially visited Brunei Darussalam from April 21-23, 2019. Hasina used her visit with the explicit goal of exploring new opportunities and promoting...

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Needed: Viable trade unionism

Across the world, May 01 is observed as 'International Workers day'. It has different names in different countries. In USA, it is widely known as Labour Day. In other countries, it is known as Workers' day. Regardless of what it is called, the day is observed to commemorate the Haymarket...

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