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Search date: 01-05-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Pointed gourd cultivators happy over good price

BOGURA, Apr 30: Pointed gourd cultivators are delighted over good market price this season.Officials at the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) is expecting more than 8,00 maunds of off-season pointed gourd yield from 560 hectares of land if the weather remains favourable till the next two months.Each kg of the...

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Number of child labourers on the rise on RU campus

RAJSHAHI, Apr 30: The number of child labourers is increasing alarmingly on Rajshahi University (RU) campus, revealing the pitiable economic condition of the people surrounding the university areas.Ascertaining the number of children working in different areas of the campus is a difficult task. This practice of employing children to perform...

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Growers urge govt to purchase paddy from them directly

SYLHET, Apr 30: A human chain, formed in Sunamganj Sadar upazila on Monday, urged the government to purchase paddy from the farmers directly.A memo addressed to the Prime Minister was also handed over to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) in this connection.Bangladesh Krishak Khet Mojur Sangram Parishad formed the human...

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Thrust on adopting scientific method in small-scale tea cultivation

RANGPUR, Apr 30 (BSS): Experts at a workshop have suggested agriculture officials to reach scientific methods for tea cultivation to small-scale farmers for making cultivation of the cash crop more profitable."The Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) officials can reach services to tea growers at their doorsteps to expand tea farming...

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39,200 farmers in Rajshahi div get Aus incentives

RAJSHAHI, Apr 30 (BSS): A total of 39,200 farmers got incentives seed and fertiliser as incentives for the cultivation of Aus paddy on 39,200 bighas of land in all eight districts under Rajshahi division in the current season. According to the officials of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), most of...

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Bakhrabad Gas Distribution

Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited, in presence of mobile court and law enforcement personnel, disconnected 20-km long illegal gas pipeline at Burichong on Tuesday

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