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Pointed gourd cultivators happy over good price

Our Correspondent | May 01, 2019 12:00:00

A partial view of a summer pointed gourd field in Shekherkola village under Bogura Sadar — FE Photo

BOGURA, Apr 30: Pointed gourd cultivators are delighted over good market price this season.

Officials at the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) is expecting more than 8,00 maunds of off-season pointed gourd yield from 560 hectares of land if the weather remains favourable till the next two months.

Each kg of the vegetable is selling at Tk 80 to Tk 90 in the retail market. Present wholesale rate of the item is Tk 60 to Tk 70.

"I have cultivated pointed gourd on 12 decimals of land this season spending Tk 5,000", said farmer Jalal Uddin of Shibganj upazila.

Jalal further said, "I started harvesting the produce from the last week of the current month and it will continue till June."

Sub-assistant agriculture officer of DAE Faridur Rahman said pointed gourd is a popular item among the growers in the district.

It is mainly a winter vegetable but the item is being produce in the summer abundantly, the official added.

Farmer Abdul Hamid of Sadar upazila said growers can make the five time high profit producing the item in the summer.

A good number of DAE officials said cultivators should expand the farming of summer pointed gourd to earn more money.

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