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Number of child labourers on the rise on RU campus

RU Correspondent | May 01, 2019 00:00:00

RAJSHAHI, Apr 30: The number of child labourers is increasing alarmingly on Rajshahi University (RU) campus, revealing the pitiable economic condition of the people surrounding the university areas.

Ascertaining the number of children working in different areas of the campus is a difficult task. This practice of employing children to perform harmful and dangerous work is considered exploitative by many international organisations.

A number of human rights and socio-cultural organisations have been working hard to reduce the number of child labourers on the campus.

"I am made to work from early morning to evening at a confectionery shop without any rest. They give me Tk 90 a month with two meals. My father passed away three years ago. My mother is sick," said Selim Mian, aged nine.

A survey research titled 'Child Labour Engaged in Harmful Work' in Rajshahi city area by a group of students of the Statistics Department revealed that like Selim, more than 150 child labourers are engaged in various shops like confectioneries, tea stalls, dining halls and canteens of dormitories, photocopier shops and restaurants.

Some children pull rickshaw-vans. Most of the children are aged between seven and 12.

Some others sell cigarette, candy, ice-cream and peanuts in the university area.

In this way, a number of children are forced to work as labourers at the university area due to acute poverty in the region.

Mostafa who works at a restaurant said, "Owners often physically assault us. Sometimes, they do not even give us the full payment."

"Child labourers are more sincere, dependable and dutiful than adult workers. But they are paid lower than that of the adult workers", locals said.

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