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Incessant rains disrupt life in port city

OUR CORRESPONDENT | September 23, 2020 00:00:00

CHATTOGRAM, Sept 22: Incessant rains for the last two consecutive days have disrupted the normal life in the port city.

Fearing that the heavy shower may trigger hillslide anytime, the Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) and the Chattogram Metropolitan Police (CMP) have taken steps to shift people living on the slopes of hills in the city building makeshift houses and other temporary structures to safer places.

As the Bay turned turbulent, the Met office advised to hoist signal number 3 for Chittagong sea port on Tuesday.

A low pressure that formed over the Bay of Bengal has intensified into a depression on the day, said Met office.

As the torrential rain continued for the second day in a row, rain water inundated low-lying areas of the city with many places going under knee-deep water. A large number of inhabitants of those places remained stranded at their homes for inundation. The local meteorological department recorded 48.8mm rainfall in the port city and adjacent areas in the last 24 hours ending at 3:00pm on Tuesday.

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