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Search date: 23-09-2020 Return to current date: Click here

BNP doing dirty politics over Khaleda's health

KHUSTIA, Sept 22 (BSS): Criticising the BNP's top leaders for doing dirty politics over the health issue of Khaleda Zia, Awami League (AL) Joint General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif said on Tuesday the BNP chief has been freed by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on humanitarian ground, but it is not...

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Protest against harassment of Nur

Activists of Bangladesh Students' Right Council (BSRC) protested in the capital and many divisional cities on Tuesday against the harassment and torture on former vice president (VP) of Dhaka University Central Students' Union (DUCSU) Nurul Haque Nur, with the issue of filing a rape case. Another case under Women and...

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Gayeshwar hints at BNP's 7th council

BNP senior leader Gayeshwar Chandra Roy has hinted that his party has resumed organisational activities to prepare for holding its seventh national council, reports UNB."The resumption of our party's organisational activities is part of the council. We need to complete the councils of all the units of every district, upazila...

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Action to be taken against Nur as per law, says minister

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said on Tuesday action will be taken against the former vice president (VP) of Dhaka University Central Students’ Union (DUCSU) Nurul Haque Nur as per the law in a rape case filed against him, reports UNBThe minister came up with the remarks while speaking at...

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Initiatives taken to preserve PM's COVID-19 directives

Prime Minister (PM) Sheikh Hasina has been working tirelessly for the betterment of the country and its people amid the coronavirus pandemic, reports BSS.It can easily be assessed that how much work the premier is doing relentlessly to save the life and livelihood of the people from the COVID-19 crisis...

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JP getting ready for next JS polls: GM Quader

Jatiya Party (JP) Chairman GM Quader said on Monday his party has started taking necessary preparations to participate in the 12th parliamentary election by strengthening its organisational strength, reports UNB."Those who're working to strengthen the party making sacrifices for it and having acceptability among people will get priority in getting...

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AL names aspirants for 70 local body elections

The Awami League (AL) picked on Monday its candidates for contesting the elections to 70 local bodies, three Zila Parishads and nine Upazila parishads reports UNB.The names of the contenders were finalised at a meeting of Awami League's Local Government Nomination Board, held at Ganobhaban with AL President and Prime...

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