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Search date: 23-09-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Protecting female migrant workers

Many Bangladeshi women mostly from rural background go abroad as migrant workers, but they often return home traumatised and empty-handed. Recent reports of migrant women workers sent mainly to Gulf States as domestic helps using faked age certificates by some fraudulent recruiting agents have returned to the country devastated physically...

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Improving BRTC services proves illusive

The state-run Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) has been limping for long. Makeshift arrangements to revamp the state-run transport agency have done nothing to either improve its services or maintain its fleet of vehicles. At a time when private transport operators are doing fine capitalising on the inadequacies of the...

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Cycling and walking contribute to making city liveable

Currently, people are using cars so much that traffic is one of the major problems in many countries of the world. To solve this problem worldwide, every year on September 22, the "World Car-Free Day" is celebrated in many countries. The first "World Car-Free Day" was celebrated in 2000 and...

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Self-sufficiency in onion

Bangladesh has experienced onion crises for two successive years. On both occasions, price-hike of the essential spice was triggered by neighbouring India's decision to ban export of the item. This calls for attaining self-sufficiency in onion production so that there is no domestic shortfall.Now, the question is, why can't Bangladeshi...

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Remedy from the second wave

After six months of Covid-19 in Bangladesh, many people are resigned to the fate and others have been reluctantly optimistic about herd immunity. Desperation for making a living has made millions forget the risks as health rules are flouted in absence of proper regulation and enforcement. In such a context,...

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Graduates getting frustrated

Almost half the graduates in the country remain unemployed and due to coronavirus situation, more youths have joined the rank. In an overpopulated country, all cannot be accommodated in agriculture or industrial sectors. So, some educated people can be accommodated in service sectors and technically skilled ones could be absorbed...

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Getting rid of corruption

It's a matter of shame that we feel embarrassed of our status only when the country's ranking in the corruption perception index prepared by the Berlin-based Transparency International is published every year. When a corruption scam is divulged or a corrupt suspect is caught, people start criticising the person involved...

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