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Search date: 23-09-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Letters to the Editor

Graduates getting frustrated

September 23, 2020 00:00:00

Almost half the graduates in the country remain unemployed and due to coronavirus situation, more youths have joined the rank. In an overpopulated country, all cannot be accommodated in agriculture or industrial sectors. So, some educated people can be accommodated in service sectors and technically skilled ones could be absorbed in productive sectors and also sent abroad.

Unfortunately, the authorities have not been able to create adequate opportunities for the educated people. One may also raise quality of education but that's not the fault of the education seekers. It's the responsibility of the authorities to ensure quality education and ensure jobs. In view of scarcity of jobs, fresh graduates are getting frustrated and the pandemic has created a crisis of employability in the country. We need a solution.

Sadia Afrin Chaity

North South University, Dhaka

[email protected]

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