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Letters to the Editor

Self-sufficiency in onion

September 23, 2020 00:00:00

Bangladesh has experienced onion crises for two successive years. On both occasions, price-hike of the essential spice was triggered by neighbouring India's decision to ban export of the item. This calls for attaining self-sufficiency in onion production so that there is no domestic shortfall.

Now, the question is, why can't Bangladeshi farmers double annual onion output to 2.5 million or so, which is enough for meeting the demand? Unfortunately, the main barrier to do so is the same reason why onion prices surged the moment the news of India's export ban reached Dhaka. Once local farmers would produce adequate onion, price would go down and the next season the growers would change crop.

So, there should be a proper estimate about demand and possible output. Secondly, growers should be provided with a minimum price and profitability as an incentive to grow onion. In fact, the authorities should guide farmers to producing crops and non-crop items in proportion to demand.

Al Amin Islam Nasim

Islamic University, Bangladesh

[email protected]

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