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Search date: 15-10-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Mobile court fines 14 fishermen

October 15, 2018 00:00:00

GAIBANDHA, Oct 14 (BSS): A total of 14 fishermen of Sundarganj and Sadar upazila were punished for catching hilsa in the Brahmaputra and Teesta rivers.

According to sources, a mobile court led by Sundarganj UNO and first class executive magistrate M. Soleman Ali conducted the drives in the Brahmaputra and Teesta rivers on Saturday and detained 9 fishermen from the rivers in the upazila.

The court also filed cases against them on charge of catching Hilsha in the rivers violating the 22-day ban imposed by the government.

The cases, however, disposed of after realisation of Tk 45,000 in fines from the fishermen.

Another mobile court was led by Sadar UNO and first class executive magistrate M. Shafiqul Islam in the river of Brahmaputra in the upazila today and held five fishermen from the river while they were catching hilsa.

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