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Search date: 15-10-2018 Return to current date: Click here

New VAT law up for revision ahead of July 01 deadline

The new Value Added Tax (VAT) law, passed by the parliament in 2012, and VAT Rules-2016 would be amended for the sake of smooth implementation from the next fiscal year.Some important provisions of the VAT and Supplementary Duty Act-2012 and VAT Rules-2016 would be revised to make them business-friendly and...

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Landslide kills three, wall collapse one in Ctg

CHATTOGRAM, Oct 14: Four persons including two women and a child of a family died in two separate incidents, including a landslide, in the port city on Sunday.Fire service officials said they recovered three bodies in the early morning on information from the locals that some people had remained missing...

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ASEAN diplomats visit BIAC office

Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Dhaka Committee comprising the envoys of ASEAN countries visited the Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC) and International Chamber of Commerce, Bangladesh (ICCB) in the city on Sunday.They paid the visit at the invitation of ICCB President Mahbubur Rahman, who briefed them...

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Nasrul for specific solutions

State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid asked Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) on Sunday to come up with specific solutions to utilise waste materials for generating electricity."I want proper solutions from SREDA having relevance to our country to use waste materials to produce energy,"...

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RMG workers, helpers facing termination

Workers especially helpers at different garment factories are facing termination and extra workloads following a new wage structure in the country's apparel sector, labour leaders alleged. The majority of the workers in the garment factories, on an average, work 12 hours a day including four hours' overtime, they added. But...

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‘Invest Maestro’ final round today

The final round of the inter-university business case competition titled "Invest Maestro", sponsored by the Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market (BICM), takes place at the BICM in the city today (Monday).A panel of judges on Saturday selected top 10 teams for the round based on their performances.Earlier, the institute had...

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25-pt declaration for youths’ dev

Citizen's Platform for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), Bangladesh adopted on Sunday a 25-point declaration, including opportunities for the youth in making development polices and their implementation.The declaration includes active participation, formation of youth council as per the Youth Law 2017 as part of the process youth parliament, budget allocation for...

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EU wants BD to abolish capital punishment

The European Union (EU) has called on Bangladesh authorities to introduce a moratorium on executions as a first step towards abolition of capital punishment, reports UNB."The death penalty doesn't act as a deterrent to crime, and any error of judgement is impossible to correct," said the Heads of Mission of...

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Cargo handling resumes at Ctg port

CHATTOGRAM, Oct 14: The cargo handling activities, disrupted by cyclonic storm 'Titli' for last three days, resumed fully at Chittagong port on Sunday.Unloading of bulk cargo resumed at the outer anchorage of the port on Sunday morning with the sky remaining partially clear and no rainfall on the day, port...

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Aman harvest begins

The harvest of Aman paddy has begun in many parts of the country with higher yield rates, raising hopes for another bumper output this season.The government is expecting 14.1 million tonnes of Aman output this year from 13.5 million tonnes last season.Paddy prices are relatively higher this year than that...

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Govt briefs diplomats on Digital Security Act

The government briefed on Sunday the foreign diplomats on the newly enacted Digital Security Act- 2018 amid calls for amendment to some of its sections.Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali and Law Minister Anisul Huq briefed the diplomats at State Guesthouse Padma, foreign ministry official told UNB.State Minister for Foreign Affairs...

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Mattis 'could be' leaving as US defence chief

WASHINGTON, Oct 14 (AFP): US President Donald Trump said in an interview airing Sunday that Defence Secretary Jim Mattis "could be" leaving, referring to him as "sort of a Democrat."Mattis, seen as one of the steadiest but also more independent members of Trump's cabinet, has served as a low-profile counterweight...

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