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Search date: 15-10-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Rebels fire shells from Syria buffer despite heavy arms pullout

BEIRUT, Oct 14 (AFP): Opposition fighters have fired mortar shells from a planned buffer zone in northwest Syria, in a deadly attack that threatens a deal to protect the last major rebel bastion from a regime offensive.The Russian-Turkish accord also provides for jihadists to withdraw by Monday from the demilitarised...

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S Arabia dismisses threat of sanctions over Khashoggi

RIYADH, Oct 14 (AFP): Saudi Arabia on Sunday dismissed threats of sanctions over the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and vowed the oil-rich kingdom would retaliate against such action."The kingdom affirms its total rejection of any threats or attempts to undermine it whether through threats to impose economic sanctions or...

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Anwar wins, steps closer to premiership

KUA LALAMPUR, Oct 14 (Reuters): Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim won a by-election engineered for his return to parliament by an overwhelming majority on Saturday, bringing him closer to the premiership that has been promised to him by former foe, Mahathir Mohamad.The victory marks Anwar's official return to political life just five...

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17 die in Saudi-led airstrike in Yemen

SANAA, Oct 14 (Xinhua): At least 17 passengers fleeing escalating war in Yemen's war-torn port city of Hodeidah were killed on Saturday when a Saudi-led coalition airstrike hit two buses near a security checkpoint, a provincial hospital official said.The airstrike hit the buses in Masbarah area at the top of...

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US seeks ‘regime change’ in Iran, says Rouhani

TEHRAN, Oct 14 (Reuters): The United States is seeking "regime change" in Iran, President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday, adding that the current US administration is the most hostile that the Islamic Republic has faced in its four decades.Tensions have increased between Iran and America after US President Donald Trump...

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Merkel's Bavarian allies face threat of poll debacle

MUNICH, Oct 14 (AFP): Voters in the southern German state of Bavaria went to the polls Sunday in an election where Chancellor Angela Merkel's arch-conservative CSU allies were bracing for heavy losses.The Christian Social Union (CSU), who have almost single-handedly ruled the wealthy Alpine beer-and-lederhosen state since the late 1950s,...

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Thousands march in Chicago to encourage voting in midterms

CHICAGO, Oct 14 (AP): Thousands of people have marched through downtown Chicago to express their displeasure at President Donald Trump and encourage voters to go to the polls for next month's midterm election.The march took place Saturday after a rally in Grant Park organized by Women's March Chicago. The group...

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News in Brief- (15-10-2018)

Indian minister Akbar denies sexual misconductNEW DELHI, Oct 14: Indian Minister of State for External Affairs MJ Akbar has released a statement denying sexual misconduct allegations against him and threatening legal action on the matter, Indian media reports. The allegations of sexual harassment against him are 'false and fabricated', said...

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