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Search date: 01-10-2019 Return to current date: Click here

Record yield and policy imperative

Record paddy -- Boro and Aman -- yields should have been an occasion for unalloyed celebration but it isn't quite so. While it brings a measure of joy no doubt, there is an underlying cause also for anxiety not only for farmers but also for policymakers. Precipitous fall of paddy...

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Youth power rises to shape earth's future

The murky background and the realities which have produced the two firebrand and earth-shaking teenage girls are different from each other. One of them is Greta Thunberg, who has recently made headlines across the world with her full-throttle green campaign. In her speeches and statements, the Swedish teenage student has...

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Climate change no longer a hoax

Huge protest demonstrations by younger generation around the world on 20 September and holding of Youth climate summit followed by international conference on climate change by the United Nations on 23 September should be on eye opener for leaders of developed and developing countries to implement 2015 Paris climate change...

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Onion price jumps overnight

Price of onion in Dhaka's kitchen markets increased by up to Tk 40 a kilogram to Tk 120 a kg in 24 hours. Such rise is unfortunate. As soon as India imposed a ban on export of onion on Sunday, some traders in Bangladesh reportedly stopped selling onion from their...

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Fishy online services

Online services have offered employment and self-employment opportunities to a large number of youth. It has also benefitted many customers who need home delivery. When it is increasingly becoming popular in Bangladesh, some 'anonymous volunteers' have recently stated contacting the customers bypassing the official online system of the service providers....

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Lane for cyclists

Streets of the Dhaka city have no special facility for cyclists despite growing popularity and utility of bicycles. Rather, reckless driving and desperation of many motor cyclists often result in chaotic traffic in a city which is plagued by congestion regularly. However, a news item that a nine-kilometre bike lane...

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Ending harassment

People talk on the social media about incidents of harassment of women in public places on a regular basis, but there is no end of it. We read reports whenever there is a major incident, be it rape or killing, and then society almost forgets and returns to the same...

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