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Abdullah claims victory in Afghanistan polls

KABUL, Sept 30 (Agencies): Abdullah Abdullah, Afghanistan's chief executive and President Ashraf Ghani's top rival, claimed victory Monday after the first round of voting in the presidential election over the weekend, though official counting is still ongoing."We have the most votes in this election," Abdullah said at a news conference."The...

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Johnson denies any wrongdoing

LONDON, Sept 30 (AP): British Prime Minister Boris Johnson denied wrongdoing on Sunday over his links to an American businesswoman who allegedly received money and favorable treatment because of their friendship during his time as mayor of London. Asked during a BBC interview about his ties to tech entrepreneur and...

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Fugitive on run for 17 yrs found living in cave

BEIJING, Sept 30 (BBC): Chinese police have arrested a fugitive who'd been on the run for 17 years, after they used drones to spot his cave hideout.The 63-year old, named Song Jiang by the police, had been jailed for trafficking women and children but escaped from a prison camp in...

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Turkey shoots down drone near Syria border

ANKARA, Sept 30 (Xinhua): Turkish army on Sunday shot down a drone that violated Turkish airspace for six times, the country's Defense Ministry said. Two Turkish F-16 fighter jets had tracked down the drone after its repeated violations of Turkish airspace, but which country the drone belonged to could not...

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Tunisia foils illegal immigration moves

TUNIS, Sept 30 (Agencies): Tunisian authorities have foiled five illegal immigration attempts to cross the Mediterranean to the southern Italian coast, the Tunisian Ministry of the Interior said on Sunday. According to the ministry, these attempts were foiled by the coast guard units in the capital Tunis and the coastal...

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Moscow court reduces sentence for jailed actor

MOSCOW, Sept 30 (AFP): A Moscow court on Monday overturned a prison sentence for actor Pavel Ustinov, giving him instead a one-year suspended sentence, in a case that has sparked protests and a major solidarity campaign.Ustinov, 23, was this month sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison for violence against police...

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Zeal of youth humbles HK old protesters

HONG KONG, Sept 30 (AP): The zeal and determination of young protesters in Hong Kong are prompting deep soul-searching among older residents of the Chinese territory wracked by unrest. With fired-up young people in the city pulling out all the stops to spoil China's celebrations this week to mark 70...

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Chirac gets full military honours as France bids him farewell

PARIS, Sept 30 (AP): Former French President Jacques Chirac was given full military honors on Monday as past and current world leaders gathered in Paris to attend his final service. On a mild, sunny morning, French President Emmanuel Macron cut a solemn figure as he presided over the ceremony near...

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Iraq, Syria reopen major border crossing

AL-QAIM, Sept 30 (AFP): A border crossing on a vital highway linking the capitals of Iraq and Syria, seized by Islamic State group jihadists in 2014, re-opened on Monday, an AFP reporter said.Iraqi security forces had re-taken the border post near the town of Al-Qaim in late 2017 as part...

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News in Brief -(01-10-2019)

Students resume protests in Indonesia over new lawJAKARTA, Sept 30: Thousands of Indonesian students have resumed protests against a new law that they say cripples the country's anti-corruption agency, with some clashing with police. Clashes between rock-throwing students and riot police broke out Monday evening when protesters attempted to reach...

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