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Moscow court reduces sentence for jailed actor

October 01, 2019 00:00:00

MOSCOW, Sept 30 (AFP): A Moscow court on Monday overturned a prison sentence for actor Pavel Ustinov, giving him instead a one-year suspended sentence, in a case that has sparked protests and a major solidarity campaign.

Ustinov, 23, was this month sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison for violence against police at an opposition protest, despite his insistence he was simply a bystander.

A judge at the Moscow City Court said on Monday the ruling by Moscow's Tverskoi district court should be changed, an AFP correspondent said.

Around 25,000 people took part in an authorised opposition rally in Moscow on Sunday in support of those detained at earlier anti-government protests, according to an independent monitor.

Ustinov's supporters were outraged by his conviction, saying he is innocent. He and his defence lawyers said they were still not happy with the latest ruling and would appeal again.

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