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Search date: 05-10-2020 Return to current date: Click here

PM's emphasis on green recovery

In her article published in The Financial Times, London, on September 28, 2020, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has identified 'green recovery' as a panacea for the world's present afflictions. The publication of the article coincided with the Seventy-fifth Session of the United Nations General Assembly. As a statesman well versed...

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Poverty: Reversing the reverse trend

The Covid-19 pandemic has been taking a heavy toll, in terms of life and livelihood, since it first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December last year. No country has been spared. The intensity of infection and rate of fatality do, however, vary from one country to another....

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Stemming sexual aberration

Under severe stress and strain, not many people can keep their cool. Coronavirus has created a most stifling environment with little manoeuvrability for common people. Pursuing one's interests that elevate mind to a higher plane is limited under the many restrictions such people have to abide by. Even those who...

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BRRI's 50 years in rice research

Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) has just stepped into 50 years. Established on October 01, 1970, this pioneering research organisation has an extraordinary contribution to the country's food security by attaining food autarky. It was a time when the country had food deficiency and since independence Bangladesh has more than...

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No entry without permission

The government has imposed restriction on entry of outsiders into government and non-government college campuses. The principals of the colleges were asked to ensure such entry restriction, according to order issued in the wake of the recent gang-rape incident on MC College campus in Sylhet. Unfortunately, women fell victim to...

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Protection and safety of animals

Recently the Dhaka South City Corporation's decision to eradicate dogs from the streets triggered both appreciation and protest. The protagonists want to see streets free of dogs while the protesters are concerned about whether the dogs will get enough food to survive where they would be shifted.In our part of...

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