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Search date: 12-11-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Importance of learning English

There is a general consensus on the need for learning English well but no one seems to have a prescription of how it can be done. Not that standard English is not taught and learnt at all; some educational institutions, mostly English-medium, groom up students up to the international level...

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BRI and indomitable Chinese spirit

China is celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), one of the most ambitious undertakings in human history. In 2013, the Chinese government, under President Xi Jinping, announced the grand scheme that aims at benefitting countries that are particularly deficient in much-needed infrastructures. In broader terms,...

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AI on the march

The arrival of Sophia, a talking humanoid robot in the city, caused quite a stir among the Dhakaites. Again the introduction of two robot waiters at a restaurant in Mohammadpur area was received by rapturous enthusiasm. Capable of displaying 50 facial expressions, Sophia can answer a variety of questions but...

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Bicycles are faster than cars in Dhaka

Two students of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) conducted recently a study on the speed of vehicles in Dhaka city. They have found that at the moment, the average speed of bicycles is more than the average speed of four-wheeled vehicles in the capital.The World Bank had revealed...

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The dark side of social media use

The internet has become an integral part of modern life. People are using social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, instant messaging apps like Viber and whatsapp and more to keep in touch with each other. Most people cannot even imagine life without all these applications now. Social media is a...

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