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Search date: 12-11-2018 Return to current date: Click here

Grappling with Globalisation 4.0: Building a shared future again

After World War II, the international community came together to build a shared future. Now, it must do so again. Owing to the slow and uneven recovery in the decade since the global financial crisis, a substantial part of society has become disaffected and embittered, not only with politics and...

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The population dilemma

Winston Churchill had few phrases of positives, if any about undivided India for all the riches it brought to the so-called empire. One of the worst was that we 'breed like rabbits'. The developing world is unitedly guilty of bringing more people into this world than we can feed. And...

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US mid-term elections - issues and future dynamics

Analysts and strategists from all over the world have followed very carefully the evolving scenario pertaining to the US Mid-term elections that took place on November 06. Some termed it as a referendum on not only President Trump but also his Administration. They were also watching whether some of Trump's...

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