Expanding port warehousing facility
Warehousing facility, even though temporarily, has been found to be critically inadequate, seriously affecting the country's port activities. The delay is often attributed to lack of sufficient equipment, space constraint, limited number of jetties and so on. But it is rendered further worse due to lack of facility to store...
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The challenge of publishing textbooks
A row over printing of textbooks among printing presses, publishers and the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) has made availability of such books for the new batch of higher secondary students uncertain. A report published in a Bangla contemporary on Wednesday has pointed accusing fingers at a tripartite syndicate...
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The haze around mango ripening
Consumers now have fair reasons to be confused over the issue of ripening mangoes and other fruits using 'hazardous' chemicals. The source of their confusion surely is a newspaper report on the effect of the use of certain chemicals for ripening mangoes and some other fruits. A leading vernacular daily...
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Urgent prevention of ebola outbreak
Once again, the outbreak of deadly ebola has been detected in Africa. The virus of late has drastically spread in the central African country Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). Recently, the country's Ministry of Health announced 11 new confirmed Ebola cases and two deaths, taking the total number of...
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Nursing education in Bangladesh
Nursing is a vital discipline for a country regardless of its development status. Sadly, the nursing profession was not given due importance in Bangladesh for a long time both before and after liberation although it is a part and parcel of modern medical services. With increasing hospitals and clinics, nurses...
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Ramadan: high time for giving up smoking
As an ex-smoker, I always feel bad when I see that someone is smoking. I have quit smoking ten years ago and now I feel much better than before. I gave up the harmful habit after lot of efforts with trials and tribulations. It's certainly not easy. But if a...
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