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Search date: 25-08-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Waste-based power plant

The indication given by Local Government, Rural Development (LGRD) and Cooperative Minister Md Tajul Islam during his visit last Saturday to the Amin Bazar waste dumping ground is that negotiation is on for producing power from garbage. Indeed, it is a highly welcome move to set up a power plant...

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Revisiting plight of plainland indigenous people

Due mainly to their fast dwindling in number, the plain-land indigenous communities in Bangladesh generally remain out of focus even on the international days on these long exploited people. Compared to the indigenous populations living in the south-eastern hilly areas of the country, the lives of the plain-land tribes are...

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Ensuring good hygiene in post-pandemic schools

With the ubiquitous covid-19 pandemic invading about every conceivable area of human concern, the subject of ensuring an environment of proper health and hygiene for school children while they are in school has now assumed new importance. Though at the moment the schools are not open due to the pandemic,...

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Delayed school opening desirable

Many parents were concerned at the discussions on the social media that schools might be opened in September. In view of the risks of infections due to the risingnumber of cases of coronavirusinfection in the country, school reopening at this stage could have been suicidal. So, it's been a relief...

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New management of supply chains

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed business environment for many organisations, creating compulsion for adapting new crisis management mechanisms to overcome uncertainties. Companies no longer have the luxury of using conventional supply chain - apart from ensuring emergency supplies, they need to plan for establishing new supply chain process for post-pandemic...

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Vietnam surpasses Bangladesh

Vietnam has surpassed Bangladesh in becoming the second-largest exporter of apparel products recently. Vietnam earned $13.18 billion from exporting textiles, as against Bangladesh's $11.92 billion in six months till June. Since garment items account for 84 per cent of our export earnings, this is not a good sign, especiallybecause a...

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Reading books for children and teenagers

Apart from creating thirst for knowledge, reading book removes feeling of sadness. It is the source of endless joy and reading expands the readers' horizon. Books keep records of civilization for enlightening the future generations.In the recent past, people used to spend their leisure time reading books, not to mention...

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