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Search date: 25-08-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Oil gains on storm-hit US output and Covid-19 treatment hopes

LONDON, Aug 24 (Reuters): Crude oil prices rose on Monday as storms closed in on the Gulf of Mexico, shutting more than half its oil production, and on signs of progress in development of a Covid-19 treatment.Brent crude LCOc1 was up 32 cents, or 0.7 per cent, at $44.67 a...

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Sadharan Bima Corporation held a virtual condolence meeting

Sadharan Bima Corporation held a virtual condolence meeting at its sporting club in the city recently to mark the 45th martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the National Mourning Day, with its Chairman Md Ziaul Islam as the chief guest and Managing Director Syed...

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Tesco to create 16,000 new permanent jobs

LONDON, Aug 24 (Reuters): Britain's largest supermarket Tesco on Monday said it will create 16,000 new permanent jobs to support the exceptional growth in its online business and may even increase the number of roles as the coronavirus lockdown boosted its sales."The supermarket expects the majority of these roles to...

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Russia may resume flights to seven more countries

MOSCOW, Aug 24 (Reuters): Russian authorities may this week announce the resumption of international flights to France, Hungary, Malta, Cyprus, Jordan, Egypt and China's Shanghai, the Izvestia newspaper cited unnamed airport and airline sources as saying on Monday.Russia grounded international commercial flights during the coronavirus lockdown earlier this year and...

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China will step up tech innovation to drive growth

BEIJING, Aug 24 (Reuters): China will step up technology innovation to drive high-quality growth through mobilizing national resources and bringing in world class research teams, President Xi Jinping said on Monday, according to the state TV.China will further open up its economy and actively take part in reforming the global...

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