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Letters to the Editor

Stop lynching!

November 03, 2020 12:00:00

Despite the fact that Bangladesh has been struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic since March, incidents of violence continue unabated.This is unfortunate.The latest case is the horrifying mob attack in Lalmonirhat where a man was beaten and burned to death.

At least 625 people became victims of lynching in the country in the past eight years, according to media reports. This kind of cruel act takes place due to lack of people's confidence in the criminal investigation process. Also, in absence of proper education those people could not become sensible and sensitive.

A key reason is also rumour-mongering in society. People's safety and security should be the toppriority.They should be protected and families of the victims should get justice so that such incidents do not recur. Had actions been taken against such mob violence earlier, incident like the one that occurred in Lalmonirhat would not have happened. Authorities, we hope, will act promptly and probe what exactly turned people into a mob and behaved with so much cruelty and if some did instigate the violence.

Sharmin Sadia

Student of Marketing at Jahangirnagar University

[email protected]

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