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Search date: 03-11-2020 Return to current date: Click here

Oct export data trigger worries

The country's merchandise shipments again entered the negative territory in October last, threatening the process of recovery noticed during the past three months.The single month income in October 2020 fell by 4.08 per cent to $2.94 billion, which was $3.07 billion in October 2019, according to the Export Promotion Bureau...

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PGCB revision involves 85pc additional costs

After spending extra funds, the Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) has sought the revision of a project, which is intended to install a 400KV high-voltage grid line, officials said on Monday.The state-owned grid operator has sought 85 per cent additional funds at the last stage of its project tenure...

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Brand value, better pay package to help banks attract new talents

The country's banks should spend more on building their brand image to attract new talents while retaining the old ones as well.A survey on banks' image building has suggested so. The survey noted that if the cost of developing brand value is considered an investment, it would be rather easier,...

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Covid-19 claims 25 more lives

Covid-19 claimed 25 more lives in Bangladesh in the last 24 hours ending at 8:00 am on Monday, raising the death toll to 5,966. Besides, 1,736 people were infected with the coronavirus during the period, bringing the total positive cases to 410,988, the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said...

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Govt not planning fresh lockdown

The government is not considering any drastic measures such as lockdowns or movement restrictions apart from enforcing the health and safety protocols despite growing concerns over a second wave of the coronavirus in Bangladesh during winter, reports bdnews24.com.Speaking to reporters on Monday, Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam said the cabinet...

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Prayer Timings-(03-11-2020)

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