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Biden tries to push Black turnout

PHILADELPHIA, Nov 02 (AP): Joe Biden was spending the final days of the presidential campaign appealing to Black supporters to vote in-person during a pandemic that has disproportionally affected their communities, betting that a strong turnout will boost his chances in states that could decide the election.Biden was in Philadelphia...

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To Trump, 'the polls that matter' point to victory

NEW YORK, Nov 02 (New York Times): When President Donald Trump talks about polling, his focus is very much on survey-takers that he thinks are good for him. Polls that show him trailing Joe Biden - virtually all national polls - are simply "fake news."The president's blinkered view has created...

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England ‘could extend lockdown’

LONDON, Nov 02 (Reuters): The one-month lockdown for England announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson this weekend could be extended as Britain struggles to contain a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, a senior cabinet member said on Sunday.After resisting the prospect of a new national lockdown for most of...

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US whistleblower Snowden seeks Russian citizenship

MOSCOW, Nov 02 (Reuters): US whistleblower Edward Snowden and his wife are applying for Russian citizenship in order not to be separated from their future son in an era of pandemics and closed borders, he said on Monday.Snowden's wife, Lindsay, is expecting a child in late December, the RIA news...

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White House accuses Dr Fauci of 'playing politics'

NEW YORK, Nov 02 (BBC): The White House has accused leading infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci of playing politics days before the election in an interview about the coronavirus pandemic.Dr Fauci told the Washington Post the US was in for a "whole lot of hurt".He also offered an assessment of...

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Australia records no new Covid cases for first time in 5 months

SYDNEY, Nov 02 (Reuters): Australia recorded no new daily coronavirus community infections on Sunday for the first time in nearly five months, health officials said, paving the way for further easing of social distancing restrictions.The state of Victoria, a coronavirus hot spot which accounts for more than 90% of Australia's...

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US beefs up security steps for Election Day

WASHINGTON, Nov 02 (Xinhua): With Election Day one day away, enhanced security measures can be seen across the United States, a country that is bracing for possible violence related to the high-stakes presidential election.In Washington, D.C., shopfronts are boarding up their windows with plywood or putting up other makeshift barriers,...

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Militants enter Kabul University

KABUL, Nov 02 (Xinhua): Some militants entered Kabul University on Monday morning and sporadic fighting continues, Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Tareq Arian said.Police have cordoned off the area and operations are underway to rescue those trapped inside the compound, the official added.A man who escaped the gun shots told Xinhua...

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Philippines reports 2,298 new Covid infections

MANILA, Nov 02 (Xinhua): The Philippines' Department of Health (DOH) reported 2,298 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection on Monday, bringing the total number to 385,400.The DOH said 87 more patients recovered, raising the total number of recoveries to 348,830. The death toll climbed to 7,269 after 32 more patients...

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