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Explanation from three hospitals sought

Twins' death

FE REPORT | November 03, 2020 00:00:00

The High Court (HC) on Monday sought explanation from three hospitals over the death of two immature newborns as the hospitals were reluctant to give treatment.

The hospitals are Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Dhaka Shishu (Children's) Hospital and Islami Bank Hospital in Mughda.

The directors of the hospitals have been asked to submit written statements in 48 hours after receiving the order over their inaction in treating the babies.

The HC bench of Justice Md Nazrul Islam Talukder and Justice Ahmed Sohel passed the order after the judges had been notified over the issue.

It also issued a rule asking the respondents to explain as to why their inaction in giving proper treatment to the twins should not be declared illegal.

The father of the duo, Md Abul Kalam Azad, works as an MLSS of the Supreme Court (SC).

AKM Aminuddin Manik, a state counsel for the HC bench, said Mr Azad kept the bodies on the SC premises having failed to admit them in any of the hospitals. Then the HC bench passed the order, said the lawyer.

He said Mr Azad's wife Sayera Khatun felt sick on Monday morning. She gave birth to two baby boys in a CNG-powered auto-rickshaw on her way to Mugda Hospital.

Immediately, they admitted the newborns and their mother to Islami Bank Hospital in Mugda.

After primary treatment, the hospital suggested taking the twins to Dhaka Shishu Hospital as they did not have any system to treat such immature babies.

But Shishu Hospital's doctors said there was no vacancy in ICU section for the babies.

They said the babies could be admitted in normal section and Tk 5,000 will be required for each baby per day.

In the circumstances, Mr Azad contacted an HC judge who asked him to bring the newborns to the BSMMU and talk to the director of the institution.

But the hapless father failed to contact the director as he was in a meeting.

A doctor saw the twins only to declare them dead.

The aggrieved Mr Azad came to the HC with the bodies of and the court passed order over the issue.

Sources said the mother is now receiving treatment at Islami Bank Hospital.

[email protected]

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